
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Funny Friday Jokes

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 ate 9.  Sienna

Knock, knock, who's there?
Doctor Who?
No, Doctor Who is my name.

Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
To get to the bottom.

A guy walked into a bar.
What did he say?

How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it.

Knock, Knock who's there?
Icecream who?
I scream if you don't let me in.

Did you hear about the happy astronaut?
He was over the moon.

What keeps the All Blacks cool?
Their fans.

What's a pirate's favourite subject at school?

What did the blanket say to the mouse?
Don't worry I've got you covered.

Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?
Because he had no body to dance with.

What do you call a mate who gets squashed by an elephant?
A flatmate.

What did the pot say to the pan?
You're lookin' hot today.

What do you call a train that has a cold?
A-choo, achoo, a choo choo train.

Please Miss, I wish we lived in the olden days.
Because there wouldn't be so much history to learn. 

Why did the boy eat his homework?
Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.

Hi! My name is Bob!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Buddy Class Time on the Playgrounds

We had great fun with our Buddy Class today. Our buddy took us to their junior playground and we took our buddies to our playground. We made sure we looked after our little buddies so that they were safe on the big equipment. We are all learning to follow the red part of the rainbow and care for each other.

Hibiscus Flowers

Lava lava

Lava lava are worn by adults and children in Samoa and some other Pacific Islands. A lava lava is a rectangular piece of fabric worn as a skirt. They are very light and cool to wear which is perfect for the hot days in Samoa. 


We all wear clothes, different sorts of clothes for different occasions.
Clothing styles are different in different parts of the world.
These shoes on Ben's feet are Dutch clogs. They are wooden! 
Different is interesting...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Amelia Bedelia

We have discovered a really funny book character. The Amelia Bedelia stories were written 52 years ago and they are still fun. We laughed lots when Mrs Cowan read it to us. Amelia misunderstands everything!

Winter Warmers

Today we finished our last entry in our Winter Warmers book! It has been lots of fun reading great stories. We love our looks because they show our quality work.